Saturday, March 10, 2012


This was a follow-up question that Jesus asked His disciples in Mark 8.  First the Lord asked, "Who do people say that I am?"  Several responses are given, John the Baptist, Elijah, one of the prophets. I find it interesting that people responded with these guesses about who Jesus is. I find it even more interesting that people for 200 plus years have been guessing about Jesus, and still getting it wrong. With all the evidence that is available, people are still rejecting Jesus as God!
The first time mankind heard about who Jesus is was at the pronouncement of His coming to us, his birth. In Matthew 1:19-21 it is revealed  to Joseph that child that Mary (his bethrothed) was pregnant. Well Joseph realized this was a real pickle that he found himself in, so he decided it would be best (since they were betrothed and all) to break off the engagement and get rid of her. But an angel of the Lord broke the news (good news) that the unborn child was conceived by the Holy Spirit (God the Spirit). And then this amazing statement from the angel of the Lord in verse 21, "She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins." This Jesus saves! Jesus is the Savior!  Someone should have been taking notes!
Mary knew this even before Joseph. She knew even before this Child was conceived in her. While she was still a virgin, the angel Gabriel came to her from heaven and said to her, "Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you."  Wow!  That would surely blow your mind wouldn't it?  Never the less, Mary knew that the only way this was possible was if God made it possible. And that's exactly what happened.
To save time, space, and my dyslexic fingers, I will simply list a few other Scriptures that inform mankind that Jesus is God. This will not be an exhausted listing, for every verse of the text is not needed to make my point. But here are a few more examples. Please don't assume I'm right - look them up: Luke 1:67-79; 2:8-14; 2:25-32; John 20:30–31; 4:25–26; 8:58; Colossians 2:9; Titus 2:13; 1 John 5:20.
Jesus wants us, His creation, to know that He is God.  Very simple. Quite uncomplicated. The pure and true Gospel. It's only when man gets hold of it that it gets muddled. And sometime it becomes a "different" gospel, but that will be for a different post sometime.
If Jesus would ask you "Who do people say that I am?" would you have to respond "I don't know Lord."? Would it be because you've never thought to ask anyone who they believe Jesus is? It's not complicated. It just takes a moment.                                              "Hey friend, do you know Jesus?  Do you know who He really is?"
Then there's that follow-up question, only it's not really a follow-up. You must be able to answer it first.
Try your answer out on me first if you like.    Go ahead.                            Who do YOU say Jesus is?

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