The meaning of the word grace, as used in the New testament, is not unlike it's meaning as employed in common speech, but for one important exception, namely, in the Bible the word often represents that which is limitless, since it represents realities which are infinite and eternal. It is nothing less than the unlimited love of God expressing itself in measureless grace. - GRACE, Lewis Sperry Chafer, 1933
I can't help but wonder why people of all time periods can't seem to grasp the simplicity of this marvelous word, grace. Grace! The grace of God begins back in Genesis 1:1 where we read about the creating grace of God, and continues through Revelation 22:21 which says, "The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all." Everything God has done with His creation from the forming of this world by simply speaking it into existence, to the presentation of His son to mankind, and the revealing of His plans through the end of time, God's grace has always been with us.
When I look at the grace of God throughout the Scriptures, I believe that He has always intended to put His grace on display. I believe it is the exercise of his loving kindness (hesed) on behalf of His creation. When I study what the Bible says about God's grace I do not see it as an action that has been reserved for Israel or the Church. There is a "common grace" that is experienced by the unrighteous as well as the righteous, usually found in the words "blessed or blessing".
And of course, I would be completely remiss if I didn't mention Eph 2:8&9 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.
So what is so tough about understanding grace. Why have (are) theological wars been fought over something so beautiful and spiritual and has come to us as a gift from a beautiful and loving Father?
What's your take on grace? How do you see God's grace today? What's your thoughts on how we are using, or abusing, the grace that comes from God?
I believe the topic of God's grace is worth talking about. I also believe it's a disgrace to angrily argue with one another or to belittle one another in regards to God's grace. If we cannot be gracious about grace, then please do NOT comment here. It won't get past the moderator anyways, that's me. Be gracious, loving and smile when you write. I'm sure that God will smile back!
BHFLU (1 John 4:19)
I'd love to hear from all of you!